The Stories We Tell Ourselves

Is your self talk limiting your growth?  Explore how your life stories impact and shape your experience of life at our Sept. 19 retreat in Guelph Ontario. Check out to register for the interactive day long session that will encourage participants to discover how we acquire self-talk, and how to change it to enrich[…]

Dealing with Change & Managing Transitions

Dealing with Change & Managing Transitions is our successful small group program aimed at helping participants recognize and deal more effectively with the realities of their life situation.  Resources and facilitated exercises guide participants to recognize life’s enriching and challenging aspects then to recognize and use their existing strengths and abilities to thrive in the reality[…]

Transition Coaching and Consulting

The focus of transition coaching and consulting is three fold: individuals, the groups they form, and the values, processes, and/or systems that link them.  Most often, people seek to change group structure and/or processes.  However, groups, church congregations, agencies etc. are a collection of individuals who share a certain sense of purpose and/or mission. For[…]