The Art, Process, and Practice of Moving to a Fulfilling Retirement

Like so many others, the first thing I learned about retirement, both as an event and an evolving new life style, is that it is not what I expected. This surprise evolved into a significant challenge widely shared across all walks of life, irrespective of socio-economic status, educational attainment, or career choice. Moreover, research and experience affirm it is often more challenging for professional or high achieving Baby Boomers. Perhaps due to our cultural and career-conditioned expectations, and DIY personalities.

In an effort to understand what was going on with me, I did some post-doctoral research into how to deal with my midlife and post-career angst and confusion. Even to the point of obtaining additional certification. I was motivated to do this in the belief, or hope, that I could overcome the malaise that characterized my life in retirement by simply learning all I could about the topic. Alas, this was not to be. What kept me from the retirement experience I expected is one of this program’s major topics.

Although my research did yield significant insight into what I was experiencing and why, it didn’t do much more than begin to help me understand where, why, or how I was stuck. With time and perseverance, I learned some useful things about the art, process, and practice of growing into fulfilling retirement; which I’ve been sharing with others for five years now. Most importantly, I learned that what I needed to do was less of what I had done before and more of what I needed to do now if I was to enjoy my 3rd Age in retirement.

To accommodate participants’ needs and schedules, our 2017 winter and spring program is being offered in two complimentary formats: a Saturday retreat and a 4-session luncheon discussion series. The retreat /workshop on January 28, 2017 will provide an introduction to, and overview of, what I have learned from both my research into retirement and my experience of it as a process of major life change. It will be held at Ignatius Retreat Centre in Guelph. The second part is a 4-week discussion series elaborating my experience in the context of my research. It will run 4 consecutive Tuesdays from March 7, from 10:30 am to 2 pm at Sadie’s Kitchen in Guelph. While the greatest benefit will accrue to those participating in both programs, significant benefit will flow from participation in one or the other.

The retreat /workshop cost is $125 per person or $200 per couple. Pay what you can is also an option.
The four prepaid luncheon discussions are $150; or $40 per person paid weekly. Weekly pre-registration is required as you can appreciate. These prices include refreshments, meals, and all program materials.

In sum, in this two-part program, I will share both my research and experience. It will include aspects of my passage through midlife and transition to 3rd Age over the past quarter century. Here I will talk about my experience of learning about the relationship—and difference—between maturing new awareness and actually changing self-defeating behaviors that were undermining my quest for fulfilling retirement. Although my research may prove helpful, feedback from previous program participants suggests my informed experience may be more useful than my data.

I’m looking forward to sharing my story and research and hearing from others about their experience and learnings, trials and accomplishments. I invite you to join our discussion. You will be well rewarded.

Details and registration at Questions can be sent to our website or email

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